Scuba Tools and Regulator Testing | Scuba Center has been selling quality scuba diving and snorkeling equipment since 1973. You will find a wide selection of scuba and snorkeling equipment at both our Minneapolis and Eagan, Minnesota locations.
Scuba Center is a CCR ( Central Contractor Registration ) registered supplier for the United States Government.  Our customers include: U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, U.S. Federal Government Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies, Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams, Fire Departments, State and Local Government agencies, Commercial Diving Companies, School Districts, Television and Movie production companies, and many others.
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Scuba Tools and Testing

XS Scuba Multi Tool | Diving Equipment Maintenance Tools 

The Scuba Multi Tool from XS Scuba has a selection of 8 important tools.

Valve DIN Insert 1/4” Hex Wrench
Port Plugs 3/16” Hex Wrench
Valve Dip Tube 5/32” Hex Wrench
Valve Nut Slotted Screwdriver
Phillips Screwdriver
Inflator Schrader Valve Tool
Bronze O-ring Pick
Orifice Adjustment Flat Screwdrivert

XS Scuba Multi Tool (TL110)

Price: $29.95   add XS Scuba Multi Tool TL110 to cart


XS Scuba TL125 Scuba Wrench Set | Scuba Center 

These three stainless steel wrenches have curved handles and feature the most commonly requested wrench sizes for scuba air hose attachments and general equipment maintenance.
Three combination wrench set
1/2” by 7/16”, 5/8” by 1/2” and 11/16” by 9/16”
Fit for most common regulator hoses
Stainless steel construction
6” wrench length
Perfect for any diver’s save-a-dive kit
Great for many hoseless computer transmitters.
XS Scuba TL125 Scuba Wrench Set

Price: $24.00   add XS Scuba TL125 Scuba Wrench Set to cart


XS Scuba Highland Highland Inflator Tool TL126 | Scuba Center 

The Valve Inflator Tool is a combination tool. It is used to tighten and loosen the nut on SCUBA tank valves and repairing or tightening many buoyancy compensator valves. Perfect for all save a dive kits and repair benches.
XS Scuba Highland TL126 Valve and Inflator Tool

Price: $14.00   add XS Scuba Valve Inflator Tool to cart


Related Items
Buoyancy Compensators Dive Computers Lubricants
Regulators Rescue Tools and Shears Water Rescue Equipment

While these are excellent reference materials, in no way should this information be considered a replacement for proper training for the specific type of diving in which you plan to participate.