Minnesota Dive Flag Regulations
(As provided in the Minnesota
Boating Guide) |
Scuba divers must display a warning flag
when diving.
The diver’s flag must measure at least 15
inches horizontally and 12 inches vertically. Both sides must have a
red-colored back-ground bisected diagonally by a three-inch wide white
stripe. There is also a blue and white diver’s flag authorized under the
federal rules of the road.
No more than four divers shall dive under
one flag.
Divers must remain within 50 feet (measured
horizontally) of the warning flag.
If a group of divers is using a contained
area, the perimeter of the area must be marked. The area must be outside
the normal area of navigation. These markings must consist of the
official diver’s flag and must be placed around the perimeter of the
diving area at intervals of not more than 150 feet. Do not place a
diver’s flag where it will obstruct navigation.
The diver’s flag may be displayed on a
water-craft or float or be anchored to the bottom. The top of the flag
must be at least 30 inches above the surface, however.
Boats not involved with the diving operation
must remain 150 feet away from a flag.
Persons who dive at any time from sunset to
sunrise must carry a diver’s light visible when above the water for a
distance of 150 feet.
Scuba or skin diving while in possession of
a spear is unlawful from sunset to sunrise.
Wisconsin Dive Flag Regulations
(As provided in the Wisconsin
Boating Laws and Responsibilities Guide) |
Persons participating in scuba diving, skin
diving, snorkeling, or underwater spearfishing must use a divers flag to
mark the diving area, even when they are within 150 feet of shore.
A diver must stay within 50 feet of the flag
on federal waters.
Except in the case of an emergency, a diver
may not surface more than 50 feet from the flag on any waters.
It is unlawful to display a diver-down flag
when not diving.
Vessels not engaged in diving operations
must stay at least 100 feet away from any displayed diver-down flag.
Two types of flags are used to indicate
diving activity:
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